Tuesday, August 4, 2015

About Cloud Computing and Cloud Computing Services

About Cloud Computing and Cloud Computing Services

Cloud Computing and Services

About cloud computing and Cloud Computing Services - Cloud computing may be noticeably less familiar, with the use of cloud computing is still not so much applied in general use, but for most large corporate companies use cloud computing-based systems are already so many.

The start of applied use of cloud computing as a cloud-based computing provides convenience as well very a lot of excess / advantages include the user can install the operating system on his computer to connect to the internet then it is executable application needs without having to install it first on a personal computer.

Among others are also suitable for data storage, data is stored section cloud servers even though the computer is damaged or there is an error on the user's computer itself, so that the data had been stored can be retrieved at any time and from anywhere as long as the user is connected to the internet.

The following we briefly describe below them :
  1. On cloud computing
  2. Cloud computiung Benefits
  3. How it works
  4. Advantages of using cloud computing
  5. Disadvantages of using cloud computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a combination of the use of computer technology and the Internet-based development. The term cloud is associated with the Internet network technology.

In cloud-based computing technologies all the data is stored even internet server section, including software applications, or more generally the user needs. Users are required to connect to the internet in order to access also run the server application that resides in the cloud.

Users may provide a computer with internet network device to connect to the Internet server and stores the data on the server computer even if the user does not have a hard drive, all the data has been stored on the cloud servers, such as Microsoft Office application program, Excel and others.

The user can run applications in the Internet server and does not need to be difficult to install the application on his computer.

The following some type of Cloud Computing Services

Software as a Service (Saas)

Type of service Software as a Service is a service that provides a ready-made application addressed to the end users (End User). Disnini user does not need to make an application or infrastructure.

Examples of these services are services such as hotmail, gmail, ymail, twitter, and facebook here the user does not need to bother making an alias ready-made application only, for services such as the use of the premium application Office365, salesforce and so forth.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Services are renting a place to be able to run an application from the user. These services could be as providing operating systems, databases, framework is a platform for running an application.

So here the user does not need to perform maintenance and prepare the infrastructure so that the user only focus on building applications. As an example of these services is like Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine, and so on.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service is a service that provides IT infrastructure to the end user which is built cloud-based services. Infrastructure can be physical such as hard drives, memory, type of server, network and so on.

Cloud providers here only provides the infrastructure upon request from the user. So if a user wants to perform additional or upgraded infrastructure he could contact the cloud server provider. Examples of these services such as Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud and others.

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